Analysis of the engineering characteristics of right abutment terrene structural plane in Panshi reservoir Priming Charge for the Earthwork of the Discharge Tunnel of Meishan Reservoir 盘石水库右坝头岩体结构面工程特性浅析
Priming Charge for the Earthwork of the Discharge Tunnel of Meishan Reservoir Research on Continuous Automated Production Intrinsically Safety Technology of Unitary Detonating Powder 梅山水库新建泄洪洞进口石方起爆药量的确定单质起爆药本质安全连续自动化生产技术
This paper involved the selection of blasting parameters, calculation of charge weight, design of priming circuit, waterproof treatment of charges and the processes of charge setup and water pouring. In addition, pretreatment, priming circuit, safety precautions and so on were outlined. 文中介绍了爆破参数的选取、药量计算、起爆网路的设计、药包防水处理以及布药和注水工艺。此外,还简述了预处理、起爆网路和安全技术措施等。